Export Controls

The University of Cincinnati Export Controls Office is responsible for protecting the transfer of US regulated information and technology, commodities, and software in the interest of national security and economic growth.

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International travel with equipment that is owned by the University of Cincinnati, to include but not limited to: laptop computers, mobile devices, or lab items (GPS, any device that contains encrypted software, etc.), may require a license or license exception certification prior to travel. The hand-carry or shipment of items may be prohibited or restricted by U.S. export control laws and the import control laws of the destination country.

If you are traveling with UC owned items (i.e. laptop, smart phone, samples, etc.), it is strongly recommended that you complete an International Certification form and have a paper copy available as it may be requested for review by Customs Officials.

Things to Consider:

  • Contact the Export Controls office if you are traveling to a sanctioned country or if you are taking items with you – you must follow the import regulations of the destination country
  • Avoid traveling internationally with proprietary data
  • Ensure restricted party screening (RPS) is conducted on the place and/or person(s) of visit and cleared prior to trip
  • Limit presentations and discussions to topics that are not related to controlled items, software, or technology unless that information is already published or in the public domain

Effective September 1, 2017, persons who wish to travel to North Korea with a US passport must obtain a special validation. This passport validation will only be granted under very limited circumstances. For further information on this update, please refer to the US Passport & International Travel website.

For questions regarding personal, non-UC travel, visit the US Department of State's Travel site here:  https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel.html



Mailing Address

Export Controls Office 
University of Cincinnati
3080 Exploration Ave.
Mail Location 0639
Cincinnati, OH 45206

Street Address

University of Cincinnati
Digital Futures
3080 Exploration Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45206

View on map 

General Inquiries

Phone: 513-558-7329

Email: Export Control Office