Research 2030: UC's 10-yr Strategic Plan for Research

The University of Cincinnati is the leading R1 urban university in our region with unrivaled talent solving problems that matter. We are rigorously pursuing the next culture of research and actively transforming society through game-changing knowledge and disruptive discoveries.

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Facts + Figures

The Office of Research is accelerating research at University of Cincinnati and economic growth in our region by connecting industry, government, and community leaders with the University of Cincinnati thought leaders and innovators. Together, we can positively impact the lives, environment, and the economy in our region and beyond. Some of our key research strengths are highlighted below.

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Events + Training

Oct 2024


Flashpoint #15 - Securing Democracy: A Bipartisan Look in a Partisan Era (10/30)

Time: October 30, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Location: Virtual:…

Target Audience: Faculty, Staff, Students, Public

Research Office: Office of the Vice President for Research

With Election Day fast approaching, concerns over the security and integrity of our democratic process are at an all-time high. Moderated by UC Professor Dr. Richard Harknett, this Flashpoint panel features leaders from the Democracy Defense Project who will explore the challenges facing election security in today’s polarized political climate. Join us as we discuss ways to ensure trust in the electoral process and the steps needed to safeguard the future of American democracy.

Online Training

Viral Vectors

Target Audience: Open to the public and UC researchers who plan to work with viral vectors

Research Office: Biosafety

This training is required for individuals assigned to projects involving viral vectors.  Before an IBC protocol can be approved, PIs and authorized personnel must complete all applicable training modules.

Individuals outside UC must login through the "External Login" link and create a new UC account.

Online Training

Biosafety Cabinets Training

Target Audience: UC researchers who use biosafety cabinets as part of their research experiments

Research Office: Biosafety

This online training includes information on the purpose and proper use of biological safety cabinets.

Approximately 15 minutes.

Online Training

OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)

Target Audience: Anyone working on projects involving human-derived material

Research Office: Biosafety

This online training, provided by the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Office, is intended for all individuals assigned to projects involving the use of human-derived materials (e.g. established and primary cells, blood, plasma, serum, tissues).  It is required both at the time of initial work assignment and at least every 12 months thereafter.

Online Training

Shipping of Biohazardous Materials

Target Audience: UC researchers who plan to ship biohazard materials

Research Office: Biosafety

This online training provides information on the shipment of biohazard materials and helps the user identify if the materials within the package are regulated and what steps are required to comply. There are four training modules, each with a short quiz. Training certificates for this course are valid for 2 years.

Online Training

Introduction to Biosafety

Target Audience: Any researcher

Research Office: Biosafety

This training provides an introduction to biological safety issues including definitions, risk assessment, principles, safe laboratory practices and disinfection methods.

Takes about one hour.

Online Training

Lab Hazards Awareness Training

Target Audience: Support personnel, students and new employees

Research Office: Biosafety

This interactive online training has been primarily designed to those not familiar with the possible hazards present on a research laboratory. It discusses the different type of hazards (e.g. biological, chemical, radiological) and indicates where to get more information and educational materials.

Online Training

Conflicts of Interest in Research

Target Audience: All faculty and staff who conduct research at UC

Research Office: Office of Research Security and Ethics

Faculty and staff who participate in funded research at the University of Cincinnati must complete training on promoting objectivity in research. This training is required every four years, at a minimum, due to federal regulations governing conflicts of interest in research. The course for meeting this requirement is available in the UC online training application CPD (Continuous Professional Development). If you are a UC employee and have not completed the Conflict of Interest Training, you will not be able to complete your Outside Activity Report.

Online Training

Export Compliance for Researchers

Target Audience: All personnel conducting restricted work

Research Office: Export Controls

All personnel conducting restrictive work must complete Export Control training. The Export Compliance training is available online and is provided by the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) at the University of Miami. The courses in CITI, “Export Compliance for Researchers part I and II”, are required for all personnel participating in restricted work. These courses are optional for all other University of Cincinnati faculty, staff and students, but are highly recommended.

For a more detailed, in person training, please contact the Export Control Office at