Andres Flores Hidalgo

Associate Professor
College of Medicine
A Molecular Approach To Unveil The Microenvironment Elicited By Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders.
Despite progress in the understanding of basic mechanisms involved in malignant transformation and substantial improvements in molecular diagnostics, there is no single marker or a panel of markers available, yet that allows for reliable prediction of malignant transformation of oral lesions with early malignant chances; the most significant predictor of oral cancer morbidity and mortality is still late-stage diagnosis. The immune microenvironment of oral mucosal premalignant lesions is a dynamic and intricate network involving immune cells and inflammatory molecules. We believe this project can contribute to further elucidating these immune interactions, which is necessary for unraveling oral cancer pathogenesis, predicting early malignant transformation, and developing targeted therapeutic strategies.
Joan Garrett

Associate Professor
Pharmaceutical Sciences
College of Pharmacy
Investigating mechanisms of non-muscle myosin IIa signaling in HER2+ breast cancer
The in vivo studies could potentially lead to the development of ROCK/NMIIA inhibitors specific to cancers with the potential to be investigated in clinical trials. Successful completion of the proposed project could potentially lead to optimal treatment of HER2+ breast cancer in the clinic and contribute to the eventual eradication of breast cancer.
Brian Grawe

Orthopaedic Surgery
College of Medicine
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Female Soccer Players
The societal impacts of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, particularly prevalent among athletes, are significant due to the large number of occurrences, especially among female athletes who are more susceptible. Despite ongoing research identifying potential biomechanical and hormonal factors, there remains uncertainty regarding specific risk factors, particularly among young athletes under 19. As youth sports participation increases and women's sports expand, a deeper understanding of these factors is crucial for informing injury prevention strategies and rehabilitation protocols, benefiting athletes, coaches, trainers, and healthcare professionals alike.
Sara Khoshnevisan

Assistant Professor
Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management
College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Enhancing Subgrade Soil Compaction Assessment Through Roller-Integrated Image Processing
The integration of non-destructive, unmanned soil testing into geotechnical engineering marks a significant leap forward, with the power to revolutionize traditional practices. This research leverages sophisticated image processing for an ongoing soil compactness evaluation, providing engineers with a more profound comprehension of soil properties. The immediate advantages include enhanced infrastructure reliability, but the applications extend far and wide, potentially redefining site assessment and construction design methodologies.
Yeongin Kim

Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Hydrogen production
Hydrogen is a clean fuel that, when consumed in a fuel cell, produces only water. The energy per weight of hydrogen (119.93 MJ/kg) is higher than those of batteries (9.0 MJ/kg) and even gasoline (46.4 MJ/kg). Our proposed project will help reduce the cost of hydrogen production based on renewable energy sources and therefore, will contribute to achieving the UN’s SDGs.
Eric Nauman

Biomedical Engineering
College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Methods for Preserving Macronutrient Content of Expressed Human Breastmilk
For infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), proper nutrition is crucial to successful short-term and long-term clinical outcomes. Unfortunately, the process of obtaining breastmilk and refrigerating, freezing, and thawing it can cause a dramatic loss of nutrients. Our goal is to analyze the process from an engineering perspective and develop techniques to preserve the nutrient content delivered to neonates.
Daniel Sun

Associate Professor
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
College of Medicine
Restoring hearing to individuals with long term deafness: using magnetic resonance imaging to understand changes in central auditory pathways
This award will support work to develop a novel magnetic resonance imaging technique – diffusion tensor imaging – for patients with severe hearing loss. By gaining a deeper understanding of how the brain changes due to severe hearing loss, we hope to find more effective ways of improving hearing for patients and apply hearing rehabilitation technologies such as cochlear implants, in a more precise way.
Meifeng Xu

Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
College of Medicine
Exosomes in neurofibroma
This pilot grant will help us to establish new partnerships between UC and CCHMC, and to seed collaborative research endeavors to develop research project to the point where external funding can be obtained. We anticipate that the results generated from this pilot grant will provide solid preliminary data to support our upcoming new multiple-PI R01 grant application.
Orlando Hoilett

Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering
College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Infant Carrier with Integrated Physiological Sensors and Thermal Monitoring to Augment Kangaroo Mother Care
Premature births are prevalent in low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs) with a frequency of over 15-30% of all pregnancies. NeoWarm will reduce neonatal deaths due to hypothermia, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for good health and well-being and reduced inequalities.
Aaron Murnan

Assistant Professor
Population Health
College of Nursing
Assessing the impact of sex work decriminalization on the health of women in the sex trade and victims of sex trafficking: A multi-disciplinary, international collaboration between New Zealand officials and UC faculty.
We will seek to assess the effects of New Zealand’s legalization of sex work on the health and well-being of individuals who sell and trade sex, with specific emphasis on healthcare and social service access and utilization; health outcomes; exposure to violence; and overall well-being. Findings from this study stand to directly inform discussions within Ohio regarding potential legislation reform.
Andrew Steckl

Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Nanofiber Membranes for Controlled Release of CuO Nanoparticles and Inhibition of Tumor Initiating Cells
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and a highly aggressive brain tumor with a deadly prognosis. Treatment for GBM has had only marginal improvement in median survival over the past 1-2 decades. We believe that our multi-faceted therapeutic approach will result in significant improvements in the fight against this disease.
Lindsey Romick-Rosendale

Associate Professor
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
College of Medicine
Unraveling the Cosmic Secrets: Why Metabolomics is Essential for Space's Newfound Bacteria?
The presence of specific genes, proteins and small metabolites, as is the goal of our study, in these novel microbial species underscores their adaptive capabilities and potential resistance mechanisms against a variety of environmental challenges, including exposure to antibiotics. Our study of novel microbes and predicted bioactive compounds contributes to our understanding of the microbial ecosystem on the International Space Station (ISS) and lays the groundwork for further investigation into the potential implications of these novel species for the health and well-being of the ISS crew and provides us with new approaches to limit microbial resistance of pathogens in our society.