Defense Research Initiatives

The UC Defense Research Office is responsible for developing and managing research programs that support the Dept of Defense. This includes compliance oversight of sensitive and classified research activities.

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Classified Research

Research that requires access to classified information requires a personal clearance level to access that information.  Research contracts with a DD form 254 included describe the level of access and permissions required, and there are internal UC processes required before submitting a proposal for such a project or program.  Contact the UC FSO for additional information.


UC Rule 10-30-04 Research:  Policy on Classified Research:

Office of Research Policy on Classified Research:  TBP



Mailing Address

Defense Research Office
University of Cincinnati
3080 Exploration Ave.
Mail Location 0639
Cincinnati, OH 45206

Street Address

University of Cincinnati
Digital Futures
3080 Exploration Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45206

View on map

General Inquiries

Phone: Phone: 513-556-1475
