The University of Cincinnati will begin using a new disclosure system starting in November. The system will replace the university’s Outside Activity Report (OAR) and provide a user-friendly interface to disclose outside activities.
Click HERE for a slide presentation on how you can manage Conflicts of Interests and Commitments.
The Conflict of Interest Office has created a series of How To PowerPoint Presentations to assist in specific aspects of the new OAR system. (To see the notes on the presentation, click this button in the upper right hand corner of the PDF document "
Individuals who engage in research, scholarship, and/or creative work at the University of Cincinnati must complete training on conflicts of interest. This training is required every four years, by federal regulations governing conflicts of interest (COI) in research. This COI training is available in the UC online training Continuous Professional Development (CPD) application. If you are a UC employee and have not completed the Conflict of Interest Training for 2024, click HERE to complete the training.
Below is the information about upcoming trainings for all employees and supervisors/department heads (DH).
Click HERE for recordings of past Employee Trainings.
Click HERE for recordings of past Supervisor/Department Head Trainings.
New activity that needs to be disclosed can be done online on via the Outside Activity Report at this time.
Questions can be emailed to OAR Questions.